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POWERFUL EXECUTION! - Annual Meeting 2022

MALANG – PT ICS Group held the 2022 Annual Meeting at the Meeting Room Horison Trunojoyo Hotel Batu - Malang with full optimism and enthusiasm, for 3 days starting from 25 to 27 November 2022.

Carrying the theme “Powerful Execuiton!” The coordination meeting was attended by 25 operational employees in all company units.

It was symbolically opened with the beating of a gavel by the Main Director of PT ICS group Firdaus Rahman Moeslim and accompanied by the Board of Directors of PT ICS Group.

In his speech the President Director of PT. The ICS Group conveyed the company's achievements and expectations from the 2022 Annual Meeting. He added that all achievements are expected to produce maximum final results which in the end will make a good contribution to the company.

The opening of the 2022 annual meeting was followed by a presentation of directions from PT. ICS Group.

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